On average, studies have shown that your resume gets a whopping 6.25 seconds..YES…6.25 SECONDS….of a potential employers eyeball time. So let’s be realistic. Your resume needs to represent the very best of you and do it in very little time!
Tips and Pointers:
The goal of a resume is to get you an INTERVIEW by capturing the attention of a potential Employer. So, get rid of the generic resume and don’t be afraid to make changes on each and every one that you send out to tailor it to what aligns you with the job.You need to showcase WHY someone should take to the time to call you by having your resume scream out why and how you're qualified.
*Chronological Resumes are the easiest to read and bullet points work great to keep it simple*
Check off the Employer's Wishlist!
Keep it SIMPLE and to the point!
Give us a call if you need a little help for special circumstances. We can’t write your resume for you, but we can give you some thoughts on our first look.
Resume Resources:
Tips and Pointers:
The goal of a resume is to get you an INTERVIEW by capturing the attention of a potential Employer. So, get rid of the generic resume and don’t be afraid to make changes on each and every one that you send out to tailor it to what aligns you with the job.You need to showcase WHY someone should take to the time to call you by having your resume scream out why and how you're qualified.
*Chronological Resumes are the easiest to read and bullet points work great to keep it simple*
Check off the Employer's Wishlist!
- When you look at a job description, keep in mind that you are looking at a “Wishlist” for that Employer. It says “I want this, that, and this.” Read over the entire description carefully and think to yourself, do I have those things? If not all of them, do I have 2 of 3 or even one of those things? If you can’t say yes to even one of them, then it may not make make much sense to send a resume. However it not to say that people haven’t gotten lucky, but in today’s market, you can bet the Employer will get what they want. Which brings me to the next bullet point…
- You said YES I have this experience or those skills, and that’s a great start! So, now take a look at your resume. Does it tell a story quickly and clearly that you have the wishlist items? If not, DON’T send it until it does. Remember that 6.25 seconds? If you want the job, you need to make sure that your resume reads almost like the job description, only in reverse. You’ll have a better chance at getting your dream job if your resume says that you're someones dream Employee!
- Please, don’t list everything you’ve ever done at every job you’ve ever had. Reorder your skills to fit the wishlist. And, PLEASE don’t go back 50 years….YIKES! Typically unless you’ve done the same type of job for the last 20 years, your skills at your earlier jobs are irrelevant and out of date, just taking up precious room on your resume. Usually you’ll only need to go back your last few jobs.
- Leave some questions that make an Employer want to get more. That’s when you get the call. Hit the big stuff and add some other things that make sense for what the job is. If you’ve been a Medical Assistant for the last 5 years, make that that big deal if you’re applying for a Medical Assistant job. Don’t get crazy long on your job 7 years ago at the local grocery store. Keep it simple and relevant.
Keep it SIMPLE and to the point!
- Short, relevant and honest. Look for those characteristics on every resume you send out.
- You may have no choice to go more than a page, and that's ok. If you really need to make a 2nd page, I would try to use it for Volunteerism, School activities, honors etc. and try to knocks the socks off of a potential Employer on the first!
- Challenge yourself on sticking to the relevant and not “showing off”. It sounds a little harsh, but if you’ve bragged on your every specific skill and work chores and your 5 million accomplishments and turned your resume into a 5 page book, it’s quite possibly going to the “pass file”. Think of it like fishing, use just your matching skills to attract and catch an interview, THEN….time for you to sell yourself and have your well deserved bragging time!
Give us a call if you need a little help for special circumstances. We can’t write your resume for you, but we can give you some thoughts on our first look.
Resume Resources: